View Profile cHunter
Giant Shaft

Age 33, Male

Detroit, MI

Joined on 11/3/07

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i rated your song a 4! not a 0!!


Dude, I give all of your shit a 5, Fuck you.


Fuck you.


Her Haemorrhoids Fell To The Floor and I Instantly Fell In Love
It's a lesbonic gerbil twat buried in my dickflap
A mule cunt stuffed with milky library ghosty clit bingo parades
Laugh at my penile Las Vegas and I'll amputate your beef channel with dissected wigger faggots
With maggoty frog shit dipped in a rowboat full of used condoms
That Professor Dykehole pumped out of your grandmothers cumfilled stomach cavity

Babysitting Dolphin Blood With My Schlong
I want to be a twatty slutdestroyer when I see all those fucking
Muff raping bitchnipples who spend their entire life dedicated to playing cunthockey
Under a bridge that's iced over with zebra cum

David Koresh bought nude vagina spikes and fart tubes for my diseased orgasm machine
That makes bitches get AIDS from gerbil semen and microwaved foreskin museums

Behead Every Fucking Woman and Ejaculate Into Their Spinal Cavities
Don't cunt my meathammer with your twatgravy
Unless I stretch your inflamed asscave over a pitchfork with shit on my barbwire boob collection
It's not a demontit if my devilcock hasn't unleashed a thousand tons of bloody AIDS cream
On your fucking face you pussy cunt homo tit bitch wigger twat clit cock grabbing faggot

Your Hacked Up Cockmeat Resembles Your Semen Slurping Grandfathers Overly Fucked Mouth
It's nice when fucking whores get leprosy and I have to chop their
Pussies into little pieces of hamburger that my lesbian poodle stuffs in her cock portal
Your corpse looks fucking twatty and cuntalicious when you got faggots to
Bleed their goo trunks with razors filled with tampons and pictures of
Gays being slaughtered at the million faggot march

Eat my crotch frost and then bounce on my penile eruptions
In the middle of a dykes unshaven cunt party.

Baptized In Lesbian Corpses
I mailed a crate of aggravated sperm rabbits to your dwarf canyon
But the box crashed on a rock
And the rabbits bled on my grandmothers baby oven
When she was camping in my rape tent

I Use My Grandmothers Corpse As A Cumrag
Your rotted fuckhole has the consistency of a bag of
14 year old oatmeal left in the desert that has been pissed
On by ten thousand AIDS infested camels

You call me the Cock Ness Monster
while I ram my gold plated dick
into your bucket of anal pudding.

Fingering her dyke slit with assy fuck whores
while I jerk off into my grandmothers wrinkled mouth
Spraying tit cream under your cockinfested assmoat

Jerking Off With A Belt Sander
Faggots use porno flicks
when they buy dinner for other spermcatchers
in the middle of a pigs stretched out foreskin.
I didn't like nude Mexicans trying to slurp my flesh pile
of toddler tits so I stabfucked a fat twatty whore
and made a log cabin out of mule cum

Drowning In Chewed Up Cunt Meat
Headbutt the pregnant sluts stinky speedway
until the cunt faggot homo dyke bitch clit unborn douchekid
oozes out in a stream of intestines, cum, and rotten twat meat

Then pour 1200 gallons of lighter fluid on her tampon tunnel
and toss the cunty ass dyke into an oven
stuffed with severed zebra erections
and pictures of me jerking my engorged fleshmallet
on your grandmothers coffin

If You Are A Woman That Means I Will Rape You And Then Laugh At It
When women think they have something to be proud of
shove a baseball bat up their cunt
and show them that the only thing they have to be proud of
is that they have a hole for men to put stuff in

If you do not hate women
that automatically makes you a faggot
Women that wonder why men think rape is funny
have obviously never been raped before

When I rape a women
I get the same feeling that a faggot must get
when he delivers flowers to his gay fag boyfriend

Being within ten feet of a female
is like being within 2 inches
of a pile of rotting dog shit

My Mom Told Me Never To Eat Potato Chips Because They're Salty Like Cum And It Would Make Me An Automatic Dick Sucker If I Ate Them
A bucket of assy bitchcream
dipped in rotted horse cum
and frozen on a dead cock
for your slutty douchemother to gobble up
like refried abortion paste
smeared on my dogs tits

Cunting My Cunt With My Cunty Cunthole
If you only do one thing in your cunty life
make sure you fucking kill a worthless dyke bitch
and piss down her yeast infected throat
while you strap a rusty knife to an aborted fetus
and repeatedly stab a fucking faggot in the face

Hey Cunt, Let Me Paint A Fucking Bullseye On Your Fucking Face And Use You As Target Practice For The Fucking Ejaculation Olympics
Women were born to suck my fucking cock
and then fucking jump off a cliff
onto a steaming pile of cumsoaked razor blades

Bitches need to show me their cunt and then
blow their fucking brains out
so I can fuck the pile of skin and blood
and then cum in the bullet wound

Praise The Faggots Who Burn To Death After Having Gay Sex
Every second of your faggy life
is spent thinking about cock
You enjoy overflowing assloads of cum
in your ripe shit chute

You barfed up chunkyloads of semen
onto your sisters birthday cake
while your queer boyfriend discovered how far
he could fit his dick beaters
up your swollen cream tunnel,
you fucking goo gobbling faggot

Congratulations, you win a cumsoaked plaque
for being the biggest fucking faggot to ever live

Giving Blowjobs To My Bloodsmeared Tits
Your public meat crease is so outstretched
that planned parenthood lost a cumdumpster
in your fallopian cyst cannon

Doctor Gorenipples extracted his baby dick jar collection
out of the lung barf vulva
subsequently my tit harness
and my genital gloves flew out

I really want to know what loser took the time to write all of that.

I voted 5. Beat me!

You did exactly what I told you not to do! D:

MWAHAHAHA man I must coment that pic...I MUST HAVE IT..!!!!
it's so fucking awesome!